Despite its special process and material while producing the alcohol, I would like to focus more in is design.
The breakthrough came when a bottle was finally chosen. Advertising man Gunnar Broman was looking through an antique shop window in Stockholm's "Old Town" when he saw an old Swedish medicine bottle, a cultural icon was unchanged for more than a hundred years. The bottle was elegant, different, simple and very Swedish. In the 16th and 17th centuries vodka had been sold in pharmacies as medicine to cure everything from colic to the plague. The choice was a stroke of genius. Several Swedish designers were given the job of helping the AbsolutVodka team further develop the bottle.
It had been decided that there should be no label to hide the crystal clear contents. After much discussion and several prototypes the team came to the conclusion that some kind of colored lettering was required. Blue was decided upon as a the most visible and attractive color, the color that is still used today for the famous Absolut Vodka logo
That's the classic design, however, in some special festival or place, advertiser try to modified the advertising of AbsolutVodaka culturally. That what something attracting me! A simple topic can be played many times! Here are some of the collection over 20 years found on internet that i like.
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