What designers designed can greatly affect the message that the products bring to us.Therefore we must be careful.We must judge carefully the product's target,where it will be displace...etc.
The shape,size and type of font,colour...must to be considered.If not,it may make ppl feeling confused,or even accident may occur.
The best communication design is wt can easily express its message.
Today we share some logo design.
And i think there is a design i think is good.I donno whether it can be said as logo or not,it is a representation image of chinese cultural ,TaiChi

There is many explaination to this image.The black and whit part can represent dark and light,soft and hard,male and female,sky and land...something which has contrast.The main idea is that thing always hv 2 side,they must be exist together equally in the world and cannot be seperate.Both of them are important.They turn in a cycle to maintain the world.The make an idea of chinese medicine,when ppl eat too much "hot" thg,like potato chips,fried food,they should eat some "cool" food like watermelon,pear in order to get back the balance.
Also there are some popular logo which HK ppl may well know.
Darlie tooth paste :

Want-want logo :
Both 2 are Taiwan old company ,hence u may find the design has a little bit reminiscent feeling.
Also mcdonald's 24hrs service.
I love the webpage cyber style.And that "moon man" .The advertising vedio is also good.And also the "i am lovin' it" slogan make it famous to all of us.