It can be language,colour,experience,history and priority.
I would like to talk more about the usage of words in China.
5000years ago,our ancestors began to create letters.They craved letters on the baked turtle shell.
They observed natural things and changed them into simple symbols.In the follwing centuries, there were developement on those simple symbols. In different dynasty,letters kept becoming more complicate(eg,combine letter to create new words,in Qin dynasty words change from round to rigid) 

Chinese traditional words is great.You can explain most of the letters by identify each small part in them.You can find the amzazing place of ancestor mind.
for example , tears , 淚:
right hand side represent water.
left hand side 戾 means painful screaming sound.
left hand side 戾 means painful screaming sound.
Therefore add together , means cry when very very sad.
The invention of Chinese writing brushes,paper futher extent the potential of chinese words.They represent both language and art.They always stay together with chinese painting .
Differetn style of word :
Word with painting :
However due to the chinese culture revolution ,some tadiontional words were being forced to change to simplier forms.
Some group same pronunciation words to one,some simplified the strokes.
The reason is that to reduce the number of illiteracy in China.To make thing simplier so that more people can learn.
However it ignore the meaning of each letter.The origin of some letter cannot be chased.I think there is a lost of history and culture!!!!
Now in China and some countries like Singapore,simplified chinese words are being used.However i think that there is a must for people to learn both traditional and simplified chinese letters!